Thursday, February 13, 2020

Sondland, Vindman, and the Democrats declaration that the law doesn't apply to them

After Trump was found innocent by the Senate he did some house cleaning.

He fired Ambassador Sondland and he had Lt. Col. Vindman removed from the White House.

He further called out the odious persecution of Roger Stone.

In response Democrats have been howling. How dare Trump punish Democrat operatives!

Sondland lied to Congress about there being a quid pro quo.

His first sworn statement said there wasn't one but after hearing other witnesses speak he suddenly changed his tune, and his statement.

He testified that there was a quid pro quo but when questioned he admitted that in fact he only "presumed" there was one; ie no one had told him there was on so that in saying/implying there was one he was lying to Congress.  Even worse when questioned he admitted that he'd talked to Trump about a quid pro quo.  He said that not only did Trump emphatically say that there wasn't one Trump was equally emphatic that he didn't want a quid pro quo.

Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President and to say that after lying to Congress like that it was somehow wrong for Trump to fire Sondland is nothing more than Democrats saying that the people who lied to help the Democrats coup attempt can't be punished.

Vindman admitted to Congress that he had deliberately falsified the transcript of a Trump phone call. Vindman had proposed talking points for Trump which Trump hadn't used but Vindman included them in the transcript of the call.

In addition Vindman admitted before Congress that he's shared classified information with people whom he shouldn't have.

Clearly no President has to put up with that sort of dishonesty from subordinates.  Yet once again Democrats are saying that because Vindman's crimes were helpful in attacking Trump they were ok.

If Vindman had done the same things to Obama Democrats would be demanding he be jailed.

And then there's Roger Stone.  He was convicted of lying to Congress, by a jury that included a former Democrat congressional candidate who was tweeting attacks on Trump while Stone was being tried, and radical leftists DOJ attorneys asked for an insanely long sentence and didn't, as is usual, run it past their bosses first.

The typical violent felon serves 72 months in prison. For lying to Congress those prosecutors wanted 
Stone to be sentenced to somewhere between 87 months and 108 months.

Democrats are condemning Trump for saying that's a ridiculous sentence and Barr saying the same thing.  Neither Barr nor Trump are saying that Stone shouldn't go to prison only that it's ridiculous to send him to prison for longer than a rapist.

Meanwhile Adam Schiff and multiple witnesses in the Kavanaugh hearing lied to Congress multiple times and the DOJ isn't even prosecuting them.

Clearly the DOJ radicals and Democrat politicians in general believe that the law doesn't apply to Democrats and that any offense by a Republican must be punished with draconian zeal.

The is one more example of how Democrat politicians are fascists who feel the they are above the law.

But that's not news of course.  After all a Navy sailor was sentenced to years in jail for taking a picture in a location he shouldn't have while Hillary Clinton wasn't even charged for illegally putting highly classified information on a public email server; which we now know the Chinese hacked.

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