Tuesday, November 5, 2019

O'Keefe shows that the #FakeNews media covered up the Epstein story

In another example of what real journalism is James O'Keefe has released undercover video showing that ABC news had a witness who claimed that Epstein had molested her when she was 15 years old.

That's right 3 years ago ABC had the chance to shine the light on Epstein and they passed.


Well perhaps it was because Epstein was a big donor and a known associate of Democrats like Bill Clinton.

We all know that if a woman came forth and said that as a 15 year old she'd be convinced to allow a major Republican donor who consorted with Trump to molest her ABC and the rest of the #FakeNews media would have run it non-stop 24/7.

We also know that ABC ran thinly sourced attacks on Kavanaugh during his hearings.

Or maybe it had something to do with ABC people being friends with Epstein:

Robach also is on tape saying that she's sure that Epstein was murdered. Whether he was or wasn't is a big story that ABC, to the best of my knowledge, hasn't spent much time on.

Can you imagine what ABC would be doing if Trump, not Bill Clinton, was closely linked to Epstein?

Whenever you watch the news or read a paper remember that the truth is no longer the objective of the large portion of the media which is #FakeNews. Rather their objective is to advance the Democrat agenda of higher taxes, bigger government, and less freedom for we the people.

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