Thursday, November 21, 2019

The New York Times unconsciously admits the Democrat Debates are rigged and racist

Given that the Democrat establishment is clearly keen on either Warren or Biden the skewing of time away from Blacks like Harris and Booker is clearly problematic.  Evaluated in light of the insanity that the Democrat base believes is good both Harris and Booker are at least as viable and credible as Bernie the fan of communism so in an unrigged world they'd be given as much time to lie as he was.

And of course we'd expect poor Andrew Yang to be discriminated against since Harvard, where leftists are born, has openly discriminated against Asians for years.  Effectively to leftists yellow is the new white.

Sadly the Russians don't seem to be interested in hacking the DNC this election cycle so given that we know the #FakeNews media is in the DNCs pocket we'll never have proof that the white Democrat elites aren't putting their thumb on the scale to make sure that their candidate wins.

Before you scream yes it's quite possible that it wasn't the Russians who hacked the DNC in 2016 but a disgruntled Bernie fan who wanted to end the DNCs siding with Hillary but who leaked doesn't really matter that much; in this context what matters is that we know in the past the DNC has broken their own rules and worked hard to get their candidate the nomination.

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