Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How Google is using algorithms to censor and lie to you

The Wall Street Journal has a major expose about how Google is intentionally lying to you by distorting its search results. Among the problems that the WSJ found were:
  • Google changed the algorithms to favor big businesses over small businesses
  • Google made changes to help eBay contrary to Google's public statements that it never made changes for single companies
  • Google boosts major websites like Amazon and Facebook
  • Google is providing engineers with backdoors to influence search results which aren't constrained by the companies usual rules about what engineers can and can't remove; ie leftists Google engineers are getting more freedom to distort what you see
  • Google maintains blacklists in direct contradiction to their public claims for reasons other than the site being spam or involving a criminal enterprise or being in violation of copyright laws.
  • Google's auto complete filters out "incendiary" suggestions on controversial subjects like abortion. Odds are what Google leftists think are incendiary are often truths they don't like.
Clearly Google isn't a content neutral platform but a propaganda arm of the left and the Democrat party.  Google is working to feed you lies, funnel your money towards favored companies, and doing all they can to convince you that if you don't think Democrat you're the only American who rejects the left's agenda.

Of course this isn't surprising since Google was working hard on producing a version of Google that conformed to the Chinese Communist government's censorship rules.

For Google it's about the money and the power not about providing you information that you can use to come to your own conclusion.

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