Saturday, November 16, 2019

Democrat "witnesses" vs the Truth: Ukraine Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko edition

So far in the impeachment hearings not a single witness has come forward with first hand knowledge of any linkage between US aid to Ukraine and the Ukraine investigating Joe Bidens corruption.

We've had the transcript for weeks and it contains no such linkage.  President Zelensky has said there was no linkage from the beginning. Now the Foreign Minister of the Ukraine, Vadym Prystail, has declared that Gordon Sondland didn't link assistance to any sort of investigation of the corrupt Biden family.

Meanwhile in the Democrat lynch mob faux impeachment hearings no witness has testified to any direct knowledge of any linkage.  Acting Ambassador Taylor says he came to the conclusion there was linkage but admitted under oath that he had no first hand knowledge of any linkage.

The Foreign Ministers statement is important because the witnesses who are saying that they heard rumors of a linkage always point toward Sondland.  Now we know from the Ukrainians that they didn't feel there was any linkage.

Clearly if the Democrats were interested in the truth rather than in power they'd shut down the impeachment inquiry today.  That they aren't shows that they're simply running a huge disinformation  campaign against the American people.  They hope that if they and the #FakeNews media lie enough Americans will start to believe the lies.

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