Saturday, November 23, 2019

Elizabeth Warren lies to us again: School choice edition

When a school choice advocate said that uber rich Elizabeth Warren sent her kids to private school Warren lied and said that they went to public school.

Not that it's relevant but the woman who asked Warren is Black.  Just one more example of how Democrats don't care about the abysmal education situation for Blacks in Democrat run cities and states.

The Washington Examiner found a year book from a pricey private school with Warren's son in it.

That forced her campaign to issue the following statement:

"Elizabeth's daughter went to public school. Her son went to public school until 5th grade," a Warren aide told Fox News. "Elizabeth wants every kid to get a great education regardless of where they live, which is why her plan makes a historic investment in our public schools. Every public school should be a great school. Her plan does not affect funding for existing non-profit charter schools, but she believes we should not put public dollars behind a further expansion of charters until they are subject to the same accountability requirements as public schools."

This is just one more example of how Democrats will lie to you and how they want for themselves what they want to deny you; a decent education for your kids.  We all know that a "historic investment" in public schools will go to higher teacher pay since the teacher's unions funnel untold millions into Democrat candidates.  In Chicago teachers keep getting raises even though they consistently fail to educate their students; and Democrats don't care.

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