Monday, November 25, 2019

The people of Hong Kong vote for freedom

People want to be free. No one wants to have to follow the insane dictates of DMV employees much less be thrown in prison for the crime of not being an atheist.

So it's not surprising that the people of Hong Kong voted out the traitors who were siding with the Chinese dictators who've put over 1,000,000 Muslims in prison camps.

While I wish that Trump was saying more I think the fact that China hasn't used more force than it has--remember Tiananmen Square-- is a sign that Trump has said that if they do then the US will take economic steps that China can't endure.

Of course the real question is why aren't the #FakeNews media covering this story 24/7?  Probably because they side with China in general.  It's no accident that Obama said he wished he could rule America the way the Chinese Communist dictators rule China. The left believes that they are smarter and better than us and that they should rule over us just like the Chinese Communists rule in China.

Lots of stories you read about in the #FakeNews media are tilted for China including:

  • Climate Change: Under the Paris Accords China is massively increasing its CO2 production while the US is decreasing ours yet the media is condemning the US and generally being silent about China
  • Plastic in the Ocean: China puts 33 times more plastic in the ocean that the US does, the US actually puts less plastic in the ocean than North Korea, yet we're being forced to give up our straws even though they won't end up in the ocean and China's environmental "crimes" aren't mentioned.
  • Imperialism: We're constantly told how evil the US is but you're unlikely to hear how China is claiming the entire South China sea
While some Democrats like AOC have spoken out against the crimes against humanity that the Chinese are committing--societal genocide, forced abortions, involuntary organ donations for example-- the reality is that the #FakeNews media are going easy on China.

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