Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lt. Col. Vindman admits to falsifying a Trump phone transcript

On April 21 Trump talked on the phone with Ukraine President Zelensky.

Prior to the meeting Vindman had told Trump to raise the issue of corruption.

For whatever reason Trump did not do so.

Yet Vindman put in the official transcript of the call that Trump had raised the issue of corruption.

Here's Vindman trying to defend his action:

Remember this is a man that the Democrats are saying is a honest unbiased trustworthy witness.

Clearly Vindman is a liar who won't hesitate to lie if it advances his agenda.

To date not one witness has said that they saw anything illegal occur in any of Trump's interactions with Ukraine.  Not even the liars like Vindman.

When the liars won't even tell the lie Democrats want them to it's clear there is no basis for any of the Democrat claims.

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