Thursday, November 21, 2019

Yellow is the new white: How Democrats are acting as though Asians are whites

For years leftist colleges like Harvard have been discriminating against Asians. To get into a college Asians need higher scores than whites, whites need higher scores than blacks, and blacks need to mention their race.

Democrats discriminating against Asian Americans isn't new. After all it was FDR and the Democrat governor of California, Earl Warren--yes that Earl Warren--, who put Japanese Americans into prison camps during WWII for the crime of having Asian ancestors.

But now Democrats are being more open about it.  Essentially they're declaring that yellow privilege is the new white privilege so that it's not only good to discriminate against Asians it's a moral responsibility to do so to aid Blacks.

Most Blacks who get into college are smart enough to be in college just not necessarily the college that accepts them.  For example as Thomas Sowell, who's Black, has pointed out if a Black who would excel at say University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he'd be one of the smartest people instead goes to Harvard where he's one of the least smart people he's much more likely to fail.

Even those Blacks who do succeed are stigmatized because people always wonder did he get his degree because he's good or because he's Black? Given that the vast majority of Black colleges graduates get their degrees because they're good that means that a lot of intelligent Blacks have their competence questioned when it shouldn't be.

Clearly affirmative action doesn't help Blacks but since Democrats only care about symbolism not substance they don't care.

The reality is that "yellow privilege" is like "white privilege"; neither depends on race.  Asians do better in school because in general their parents prioritize education more. In Asian areas there are an uncountable number, a slight exaggeration, of tutoring companies that supplement kids education.  Whites and Blacks who have that same attitude also produce kids with higher test scores.

The reality is that "white privilege" has nothing to do with a person's race but with their behavior.  If people avoid out of wedlock babies, stay married for life, and live responsibly they get all the benefits of "white privilege" irrespective of their race.

To be fair the unsafe ghettos with poor schools and no jobs that Democrats have created for Blacks in our inner cities make it hard for some Blacks to succeed but that means the real issue is Democrat racism not "white privilege".  After all can anyone say with a straight face that Obama who was raised with all the benefits of "white privilege" was someone discriminated against?

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