Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Does Elizebeth Warren really hate the US?

At a rally in Iowa an audience member was accusing the US of "genocides in Palestine and Yemen."

Nothing surprising there.

What is troubling however is that Warren's initial response, we don't have all that she said, was:

"I like your frame on this" not it's insane to blame the US for the actions of Yemen and there is no genocide in Palestine; although it's true that many Palestinian "leaders" are calling for genocide against Jews.

When Obama said he was going to remake America the #FakeNews media spun it so what Obama was really saying, "I hate America as it is and I hate the Constitution. I will do everything I can legally and illegally to transform America into what I want it to be", wasn't obvious to we the people.

We can only hope that Warren was pandering to the lunatic in the audience in order to get votes and that she doesn't really think what her base thinks; that America not Communist China, not Islamic radicals, not Putin, not the tyrants in Venezuela is the problem.

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