Tuesday, November 19, 2019

New York Times lies about impeachment

Rep. Lee Zeldin caught the NYT in a blatant lie today about the Vindman testimony:

Why did the NYT lie about this?  Because in questioning Vindman today Jim Jordan showed a huge problem with Vindman's actions.

Vindman testified that he didn't tell his boss because he was told by a lawyer to not talk to anyone about his concerns.  The problem is that as Jordon pointed out Vindman as testified that he did in fact talk to his brother and a person he refuses to identify who is supposedly the "whistleblower".

If Vindman was on the up and up why didn't he talk to his boss first and raise his concerns?  Why did he immediately escalate?  If he avoided talking to his boss after raising his concern elsewhere why did he feel free to share the information he was denying his boss with others?

Hence by lying that Vindman did talk to his boss the NYT is providing cover for Vindman and the Democrats fake impeachment probe.

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