Sunday, November 10, 2019

Illegal immigrants are booming in America; 22,000,000 and counting

According to a new study by Yale there are at least 16.7 million, and more likely at least 22 million, illegal immigrants in the US.

That matters because all of those people are costing taxpayers money.  Unless they've stolen the identity of an American they're not paying Federal or state taxes and so they're getting public education and other public services for free.

If they have given birth to children in the US they're also probably getting welfare money and if they use ER's and can't pay they're driving up your medical expenses.

Further it's silly to assume that the same people who had no problem breaking our immigration laws to get more money wouldn't be willing to break our election laws to vote for Democrat candidates that promise them citizenship and even more money.

In California illegal immigrants can register to vote if they just lie on their application form that they're citizens; their claims are never checked and they don't need to produce any documentation.

Using older conservative estimate there are around 2.6 million illegals in California constituting 6% of the population.  If even 10% of them vote illegally that's 260,000 votes poisoning our democratic process.  Nationwide  a 10% turnout would lead to nearly 3 million votes of which 80% would be for Democrats.

No wonder Democrats are for open borders. Illegals are just the kind of citizens Democrats want; poor, uneducated, unable to speak English, unaffected by tax increases and eager to get as much money from the government as possible.

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