Tuesday, November 19, 2019

#FakeNews media deletes stories condemning Obama's handling of children

All sorts of #FakeNews media outlets shouted out that the UN had determined that the US was monstrously evil because we had 100,000 children detained.

Reuters, NPR, and others reported that the US has the highest rate of detained children.

The only problem was that the numbers used by the UN were from 2015 when Obama was president.

In a universe where the #FakeNews media were honest the stories would have been edited to reflect that and been left up.

But in our world where the #FakeNews media are nothing more than propagandists for the Democrats the stories were deleted.

You see if Obama lies, or does something bad the #FakeNews media suppress it while they gleefully lie about imagined crimes by Republicans.

This whole fiasco is somewhat reminiscent  of the "children in cages" story where the #FakeNews media attacked Trump for supposedly putting children who tried to sneak into the US into cages.  The problem was that the pictures they used were from the Obama administration because Trump didn't start detaining kids caught when their parents tried to enter the US illegally; he was just continuing the Obama policy.

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