Thursday, November 28, 2019

If you live in New Jersey your tax dollars are helping illegal immigrants afford college

With most middle class American families struggling with the exploding cost of college it's good to know that the leftists who run New Jersey have transferred $3.8 million dollars of your money to subsidize illegal immigrants who are going to college.

Actually the number is much higher than $3.8 million since that's how much made it into the hands of illegal immigrants.  We all know that there is a huge amount of overhead in any government action so to get $3.8 million in the pockets of illegal immigrants a lot more will have to be vacuumed out of the pockets of New Jersey residents.

Democrats know that you, actual American citizens who reside in New Jersey, have too much money and illegals who came here for the freebies don't have enough.  So they pretend to be charitable by taking your money, not their own, and giving it to people they hope will illegally vote for them.

While Democrats say that illegal immigrants don't vote the idea that people who are willing to violate our immigration laws to get more money would never think of violating our voting laws to get more money is clearly insane.

This sort of "generosity" by Democrats isn't restricted to New Jersey.

In California the Democrats passed a new tax on American citizens for the sole purpose of paying for free health care for some illegal immigrants.

Never doubt that Democrats love power far more than they care about you and that if stealing from you to buy the votes of illegals gets them more power they won't hesitate to do so.

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