Sunday, November 10, 2019

Democrat Adam Schiff calls for tyranny

Republicans want the "whistleblower" who started the whole impeachment lie to testify.

This is a core principle of American justice; the accused has the right to confront and question those whose testimony is being used to convict them.

Yet Adam Schiff, hyper partisan Democrat, is saying that the "whistleblower" doesn't have to testify.


Well Schiff says that that's because doing so would put the "whistleblower" at risk but that's a lie. There is no Republican equivalent of Antifa so just as Democrat political rallies don't need lots of security but Republican one's do there is no credible risk the "whistleblower"

The real reason is that Schiff doesn't want the "whistleblower" to either lie under oath or admit that they conspired with Schiff to lie about Trump's Ukraine phone call.

Similarly Schiff doesn't want you to know that the "whistleblower" had not a jot of actually first hand information about what he claimed happened; all he was doing was repeating rumors.

And of course Schiff definitely doesn't want you to know that the "whistleblower" is a personal friend of Joe Biden, a registered Democrat, and someone who deliberately leaked distorted information about Trump in the past.

Imagine if you were on trial for DUI when the cop who arrested you had a grudge against you and the prosecution said you couldn't call the arresting officer to testify.  That's the sort of dishonest and rigged proceeding that the Democrats are running.

They don't care about honesty or the rule of law. All they want is power over you to run your life. They want to tell you what your religion can teach and what sort of straws you can use.

They want to rule over you not represent you and they only respect elections if they win.

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