Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Democrat Stephen Lynch admits that Democrats are using secret impeachment to hurt Trump

On MSNBC the following dialog occurred on Monday:

"Lynch said, “Well, they were among the group of first witnesses. And I think they provide a context, especially Yovanovich. I think it provides a context to what was going on with former Mayor Giuliani acting on behalf of the president, that whole — the context of her threatened removal if she didn’t get on board with the program to defend the president’s conduct. So, I think it’s important to lay out the context, and the more, I think, impactful testimony will come later.”

Host Katy Tur then asked, “So, are you saying you’re basically building a case, an argument, by releasing the testimony in a certain order?”

Lynch responded, “I believe so, yeah.”"

If the impeachment hearings weren't being conducted in secret but were public like they have always been in the past the Democrats couldn't be doing this.

This is nothing less than an admission that the Democrats are manipulating the news in order to nullify your vote in the 2016 election.

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