Thursday, November 14, 2019

Numbers don't lie but they show that the #FakeNews media does

A group analyzed the TV network's--ABC, NBC, CBS-- coverage of Trump in October and found the following:
In addition the study found that the Democrats fake "impeachment" narrative has dominated the networks coverage squeezing out stories like Trump withdrawing US troops from Syria and Trump's killing the head of ISIS.

Amazingly 67% of the networks coverage of Trump eliminating the founder and head of ISIS was negative.  They condemned Trump for saying that al-Baghdadi died as a coward killing 3 of his children in the process.  Now that is spin.

Out of the 645 minutes of coverage the networks gave Trump only 4 minutes and 6 seconds were about the booming economy and record low unemployment rates.  Clearly the networks are trying to convince we the people that having more money and fewer people unemployed isn't as important as the Democrats attempt to get a do over on the 2016 election.

Don't let the #FakeNews media's repeated lying get you to believe that Americans agree that getting Democrats more power by destroying the democratic system is the most important issue Americans face today.

Oh and Joe Biden has received 71% favorable coverage for his obviously corrupt actions in Ukraine with some journalists saying that there is no evidence for any wrong doing.  That's clearly a deliberate lie given that Hunter Biden as admitted to getting $3.1 million from a corrupt Ukrainian company, Burisma, because he's Joe Biden's son and given that Joe is on record as having demanded as a quid pro quo for US aid that Ukraine fire the prosecutor that was investigating Hunter's cash cow which resulted in the termination of the investigation of Burisma.

At the very least the fact that the Biden family got $3.1 million from a company that Joe Biden protected is evidence that something crooked happened.  We all know that if the Trump's rather than the Biden's were in that situation the same lying media folk who say that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden would be demanding that the Trumps both be incarcerated.

The bottom line is that numbers can lie but in this case they're not; the #FakeNews media lies to you by omission--not covering the great economy-- and commission--pretending there's no evidence of Biden's corruption.

The #FakeNews media cares about one thing and one thing only; giving Democrats more power over your life.

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