Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bill Maher gets it right: Social media shouldn't be censoring political ads

Bill Maher is usually amazingly wrong but once in a while he actually gets something right. In this case he's saying that free speech is good and we can't trust the commissars at Twitter or Facebook to decide what truth is.

“Zuckerberg has decided Facebook will not be policing political speech on their site, or fact-checking any political ads. And this only applies to politics, other stuff still has rules. On Facebook, you cannot say, Pizza Hut murders puppies and puts it in the sauce. But you can say, Pizza Hut murders puppies and puts it in the sauce on orders from Bernie Sanders. And I hate to tell you, but that’s the way it should be. Do you want political speech policed by the accuracy regulation departments at Facebook and Twitter? Not me. I’m always going to come down on the side of free speech. … And figuring out when politicians are full of shit is the responsibility of the voters, and no one else. People have to build up an immunity to falsehoods. We can’t pass the buck to a referee. Because a referee is still human, and even if we used a computer to do it, Trump would say the computer was an angry Democrat.”

The reality is that if Twitter were run by a conservative and their "fact checkers" were all from Texas the same leftists who are keen to have Twitter decide what is true would be screaming censorship.

The left firmly believes that the 1st Amendment is for them but not for we the people.

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