Sunday, November 10, 2019

Live by the Dog Whistle die by the Dog Whistle: Ilhan Omar edition

Many people are saying that this tweet is an antisemitic dog whistle because what Omar is really saying is that Cooperman is supporting Bloomberg for President because they're both Jews and Jews stick together.

To be honest that may not be the case. Perhaps she's saying rich people stick together.  The problem is that given her unapologetically antisemitic comments in the past and her support of the BDS movement that calls for the destruction of Israel it's hardly a leap to assume that in fact what she's really saying here is that Jews conspire together.

Democrats are always accusing Republicans of all sorts of racist dog whistles.  One infamous example was the declaration by the leftists that making the ok sign with one's hand was a white nationalist symbol.

That was absurd but none the less if Democrats are going to impute evil dog whistles to innocuous comments by Republicans we need to hold Democrats to the same standard.

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