Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How the left hates God: Joy to the World edition

A charter school in California originally said that a student couldn't play the song "Joy to the World" on the piano as an assignment presumably because it was too religious even though the 13 year old girl wasn't planning on singing the lyrics.

If this doesn't get Democrats to love charter schools nothing will.

While the school did back down when threatened with legal action it shows just how much the left hates God.  While Christians are supposed to tolerate atheist speech in schools by teachers Christians are being told that atheists are such easily triggered people that it's unreasonable to expect them to have to "endure" hearing an even remotely religious song.

That's the big lie behind the separation of church and state; atheism is a faith based tradition ie a religion.

Atheists say that the lack a belief in God while in fact saying repeatedly that there is no god.  But their belief that our world can exist without god is based on faith in things they can't prove to be true.

For example they can't prove that the Bible isn't historically accurate.

There are even purely secular arguments that show that god is more likely than not.

For example Prof Hawking wrote:

"It is hard to imagine how free will can operate if our behavior is determined by physical law, so it seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion."

Hawking, Stephen. The Grand Design . Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

His argument is simple:

  • If we're purely material beings, ie we don't have souls, then all our thoughts are brain chemistry
  • But brain chemistry is controlled by the laws of physics not us
  • Hence we have no control over any of our thoughts or actions
  • Hence we can't have free will

Yet when we all listen to what goes on in our heads we know that we do have free will.  Which means that atheists must believe based on blind faith that, as Hawking says, our free will is an illusion.

It's clear then that atheism is based on faith in things atheists can't show to be true.  Now the atheists faith may be correct, just as Christian's faith may be correct, but atheism is on weaker ground than Christianity--Christians have eyewitness testimony to Jesus for example.

So what the whole separation of Church and State movement is doing is nothing less than enshrining the atheist faith based belief system, ie religion, as the official religion of the US which is enforced by the full power of the government.

Teachers can freely preach the atheist gospel in public schools but Christian teachers can't even mention Jesus's name without fear of being fired.

That's precisely the sort of state backed religion that the 1st Amendment condemns.

Just as the left hates freedom of speech they hate freedom of religion and they hate the idea that God, not government, is the source of our rights because that puts limits on what the left can do to we the people.

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