Sunday, November 3, 2019

Top Democrat unwittingly admits that the impeachment push is purely political

House Democrat Chief Deputy Whip Dan Kildee has unintentionally confirmed that the whole impeachment witch hunt is nothing more than an attempt to nullify your vote in the 2016 election.

He said:

"Kildee said that the impartiality of Congressional Democrats in light of some of them prejudging impeachment is “a legitimate issue, and I regret the fact that some of my colleagues, long before even the Ukraine question came forward, had already decided that they wanted to impeach the president. You know, many of us came to the conclusion a little bit later in the process, but I don’t think because of that, we can ignore the fact that we do now…see behavior that we think does rise to the level of an impeachment inquiry, but I think it’s a fair point, and I think it’s a dangerous thing for either side.”"

What he's saying is that long before the fake Ukraine story was ginned up by Democrat Adam Schiff colluding with a dishonest Deep Stater CIA agent Democrats wanted to impeach Trump for the "crime" of beating Hillary in 2016.

Given the facts it's obvious that Kildee is dishonest too, since there is as of now not one jot of evidence of Trump having done anything illegal, but that he's smart enough to know that if the Democrats are going to succeed in defeating the democratic process they have to lie about what they're up to.

Clearly Democrat politicians believe that elections only count when they win.

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