Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sanctuary cities protect criminals: North Carolina rapist and child molester alert

ICE has stated that illegal immigrants charged with crimes like rape, child sex offenses, murder, drug trafficking and robbery could be release back into your neighborhood because of sanctuary city policies.

What few people realize, because the #FakeNews media doesn't talk about it much, is that sanctuary cities protect criminals.  "Honest" illegal immigrants who don't rape, kill, or steal once they sneak into the US aren't protected the way criminals are by sanctuary laws.

The way it works is that an illegal immigrant is arrested for raping a child.  What's supposed to happen is that before the prison releases that person back into the public they're supposed to notify ICE who will then throw that monster out of the country.

In sanctuary cities the police can't notify ICE so that the worst sort of offenders get to walk the street again.

Clearly the folks behind sanctuary cities are hating on we the people and loving illegal immigrants.

Or are they?  As I recall the victims of illegal immigrants are often other illegal immigrants. Maybe sanctuary city laws pass is that they make leftist feel good about themselves and since white people aren't the primary targets of the scum that are released the white leftists don't care about the consequences of their actions.

What's really strange is that sanctuary laws actually increase the odds that "honest" illegal immigrants will end up deported.  That's because if the local government doesn't cooperate with ICE ICE has to start sweeps which will catch "honest" illegal immigrants as well as illegal immigrants who are committing heinous crimes in the US.

But as usual leftists don't care about the consequences of their actions; so long as white leftists aren't hurt. What matters is that leftists signal their superior virtue and feel good about themselves.

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