Saturday, November 2, 2019

Pelosi announces that secret impeachment hearings will continue as long as they are "productive"

The Democrats are using secret hearings and misleading links in an attempt to fool you into thinking that Trump did something wrong.

Having secret hearings run by the House Intelligence Committee as part of an impeachment witch hunt is unprecedented. The Democrats only objective is nullifying the 2016 election by pretending that perfectly honest things are somehow criminal.

You were lied to if you were told that the impeachment resolution would bring transparency to the process since Pelosi admitted that secret hearings would continue so long as they were "productive"; ie allowed the Democrats to misrepresent witnesses testimony.

Pelosi also said she doesn't care about your financial situation.  She doesn't care that her bogus hyper partisan witch hunt is hurting the stock market and your savings.  All that matters to her is getting rid of Trump and getting more power over you into the hands of Democrat politicians like herself.

She's been ignoring the issues that the House should be working on, like lowering drug prices and trade deals that help US workers, because she and all the other House Democrats care about one and only one thing; getting more power by effectively giving the House a veto over your vote.

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