Saturday, November 9, 2019

No Virginia 11,000 scientists didn't say we're facing a "climate emergency"

You may have seen the news his week that 11,000 scientists have declared that we're facing a "climate emergency".

It's bogus.

But even if it wasn't it wouldn't mean anything. Science isn't run by consensus it's run by data.  Back in the 1930s one, 1, geologist said that the continents moved.  The consensus was he was wrong.  Today everyone knows that the continents do drift. So much for scientific consensus.

How can we tell that the study is bogus?

Well first it's not a study but a press release and the 11,000 are anyone who could sign their name at a web site including Mickey Mouse and Albus Dumbledore.

Second the list of names has been blocked so that people can't further check it.

Third the scientists who are actually, or at least possibly, scientists include at least one nutrition researcher.  One can only imagine how many biologists etc who have absolutely no expertise in physics are listed among the "scientists".

This is just one more of the lies that the #FakeNews media is pitching to get you to surrender your money and your freedom to the government.

Here's the absolutely irrefutable way to see that climate alarmists don't actually believe there is a crisis.

1) The Paris Accords allow China and India to massively increase their CO2 production
2) If we are facing a crisis then any massive increase in CO2 would be disastrous
3) Climate Alarmists extoll the wonders of the Paris Accords
4) Hence either Climate Alarmists don't believe there is a crisis so that massive increases in CO2 wouldn't be a problem or they all want us to die.

We see this in plastic pollution too.  China dumps 33 times more plastic into the ocean than the US does; heck the US dumps less plastic than North Korea.  Yet the same leftists who whine about climate change are forcing Americans to use unhealthy reusable food bags and stop using plastic straws while saying nothing about China.

The reality is that the whole environmental movement is about giving leftists the power to control our lives not about saving the world.

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