Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Democrats hate the handicapped: forced union dues for mothers taking care of their disabled kids

You probably didn't hear about the fact that corrupt government unions were stealing from mothers who were taking care of the disabled kids or if you did you heard it spun so as to say that the unions were the good guys.

In the past Republicans and Democrats agreed on something obvious; rather than spend a fortune to institutionalize handicapped kids pay their mothers or others who loved them to take care of the children at home.

It was a win win. Kids got better care and the government spent less money.

But government unions like the SEIU began taking "union dues" out of the money being paid to these caregivers even though the unions provided not a single benefit to them.

Democrats did nothing but conservatives waged a war to get justice for these selfless caregivers. They won.

Interestingly some Democrats have refused to follow the law.  Minnesota for example is refusing to follow the Federal Law on this matter.

Fortunately the conservatives at the Upper Midwest Law Center are going to sue; just like their ideological predecessors had to sue to get Democrats to implement school integration as require by Brown v. Board of Education.

You can pitch in by contributing here to their cause.

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