Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bias: MSNBC's Leigh Ann Caldwell "struggling" edition

Republican Congressman Mark Meadows corrected MSBNC propagandist Leigh Ann Caldwell when she proclaimed that Republicans "are really struggling to defend the president.".

Of course that wasn't reporting.  It was Caldwell editorializing and spinning the news in order to help Democrats and confuse we the people.

Republicans, except for a few establishment RINOs like Romney,  have been loud and clear in explaining why the Democrat's charges are all either lies or distortions.

But in order to convince we the people that there is something in Schiff's nothing Caldwell tried to convince her viewers that Republicans are unable to counter Schiff's lies.

This is just one more example of why you can never ever trust anything the #FakeNews media says; they hate you and they're your enemy, they want you to be serfs and their Democrat friends to by your rulers not your representatives.

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