Friday, May 1, 2020

Canada's universal health care is a disaster

Democrats and the #FakeNews media often extoll the wonders of the Canadian government run medical system.

They rarely mention that every year around 50,000 Canadians come to the US for surgery.  They do so even though they have to pay the full price; something Americans with insurance would never do.

Why do they do that?

Well because everything run by the government tends to be bad.  That's because government workers are never incentivized to be efficient. Their pay doesn't change and they don't lose their jobs if they do horrible work.

How bad is the Canadian system?

Canada has fewer MRI machines per capita than Turkey or Latvia which means long waits at best.

To save money the Canadian system uses older and cheaper drugs; which can be a very big deal.

To save money hospital space is limited so some patients are treated in the halls of hospitals.

The typical waiting time at an ER, where people only go if they're really sick, in Quebec is 4 hours.

One doctor found that there was a 4.5 year waiting time to get his patient in to see a neurologist.

The simple reality is that government healthcare reduces the quality of care for hard working Americans.  In doing so it doesn't really improve the quality of care for the poor and the homeless because they are currently covered by various welfare programs and a reduction in overall quality of care hurts everyone.

To see how an American version of the Canadian health system would work you need look no further than the Veterans Administration which provides health care for our veterans.

One VA worker who embezzled money was fired but then reinstated at pay while his crime was further investigated.

Many vets died because VA bureaucrats covered up the fact that they weren't getting care for veterans in need.

It's like the health care system in China, the first objective is to protect the government not help the patients.

What's bizarre is that the same leftists who constantly say how inefficient and bloated the defense department is somehow believe that every other government agency is a paragon of efficiency.

Big government is the epitome of inefficiency.

Don't let the Democrats put the folks who run the DMV in charge of your health care.

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