Saturday, May 23, 2020

Joe Biden reveals his racism by declaring that he can say who is really Black

In an interview on the Breakfast Club Joe Biden told a Black man:

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

That is an amazingly racist statement that reveals what Joe Biden, and most other Democrat politicians think about Blacks.

They believe that Blacks are only Black if they agree with the policies held by rich old white people like Biden.

That's why they have no trouble viscously attacking Blacks who don't agree with them.  Look at the horrible things Democrat politicians say about Ben Carson, Candice Owens, Kanye, and Justice Thomas.

But Biden is a special case. He not only trashes Blacks who dare to leave the Democrat's intellectual plantation he's even said racist things about Obama.  Biden said this about Obama:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

What few people know is that one of the ways that Democrats tried to defend slavery was to say that it was actually good for Blacks because they needed white people to take care of them because they were too stupid to run their own lives.

Biden's comment shows that he is following the long tradition of Democrats by believing that Blacks who disagree with him can't really be Black; Blacks who know their place will believe what Joe tells them to believe.

But is he right that he'd be better for Blacks than Trump would?  No.  Here's a short list of why Democrat politicians like Joe Biden are bad for Blacks:
  • Joe says and does nothing about the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities
  • Democrats say that letting poor Blacks have school choice just like rich whites is racist
  • Joe says that Blacks who don't toe the white Democrat party line aren't Black; Kanye, Justice Thomas, Candice Owens, Ben Carson, etc
  • Joe ignores the fact that Black women are 3x as likely to abort as white women; the one racial disparity that Democrat politicians applaud
  • Joe ignores the fact that abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks
  • Joe's all for massive immigration, legal and illegal, that drives down Black wages and drives up Black unemployment
  • Joe's all for shutting down the country forever even though that is destroying small businesses owned by Blacks
The Democrat party has always been the party of racism.  Contrary to what Democrats claim they didn't change in the recent past.  In the 1950s and 60s it was Democrats who fought integration and civil rights for Blacks.

Today Democrats ignore mass shootings of Blacks, extol Planned Parenthood which targets Blacks for abortions, and work hard to deny Black kids a decent education in Democrat run cities.

Conservatives realize that Blacks like every other race don't lose their racial identity based on their political beliefs but they also know that if Blacks want their lives to get better they should stop voting Democrat.

After all Democrats have run Chicago since the 1950s and Blacks are worse off there now then they were then.

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