Saturday, May 2, 2020

Leaked intelligence dossier documents WHO's failures in service of China

Even as China was doing everything it could to hide from the world the true nature of the China virus / COVID19 / coronavirus the WHO was doing all they could to help.

A newly leaked intelligence report documents how WHO followed China not truth.

For example WHO said that China was right and that the China virus didn't spread by human to human contact even though it had received reports from Taiwan on Dec 31 and Hong Kong on Jan 4 that the virus did in fact spread between humans.

As of May 1st the WHO's twitter feed still contained the following tweet:

Here's a screen capture if they decide to try and cover their tracks.

The report goes on to say:

"Beijing [pressed] the US [sic], Italy, India, Australia, Southeast Asian neighbours [sic] and others not to protect themselves via travel restrictions, even as [China] impose[d] severe restrictions at home."

That's right WHO was supporting Joe Biden who called Trump's travel restrictions on China "xenophobic".  Clearly WHO was deliberately lying since China was restricting travel, but oddly not foreign travel.

The report also cites numerous incidents where the Chinese government is using political pressure to keep the truth about their coverup hidden.

They successfully pressured the EU to leave out any mention of Chinese lies in a report on the China virus.

Similarly China has threatened an economic blockade of Australia if Australia doesn't drop it's calls for an independent inquiry into how the coronavirus pandemic started.

The parties that produced the report do disagree on one thing.  Australia says that the odds of COVID19 having accidentally escaped from the Chinese lab is only about 5% while US intelligence is clearly moving to a consensus that the virus was the result of an accidental leak from the lab.

The fact that China has been so vigorous in covering up this tends to support the US position. After all China has much more to lose if the virus spread due to poor containment practices at a government run lab than if the virus just popped up in a wet market.

One last tidbit of interesting information in the report is that key figures at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had previously worked in Australia on bat pathogens, which is what the China virus is, and that when they moved back to China one of the things they did was to discover samples of a bat virus in a cave in Yunnan province and synthesize--did they mean isolate?--a bat derived coronavirus that couldn't be cured.

It's clear that throughout this entire pandemic WHO has been acting as an arm of the Chinese Communist government. That's not entirely incredible given that the current head of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, came from a former terrorist group in Ethiopia and got his job due to the support of China.

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