Thursday, May 14, 2020

Government workers are better than us: Brian Miller who stood by and let kids die gets his job back

Brian Miller showed up at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and heard 3 to 4 shots.

Instead of running in to protect the children he took time to put on his bulletproof vest, something none of the kids had, and then he cowered behind his care.  He didn't even go on the radio to get the rest of the police force up to speed for 10 minutes.

For years he took a paycheck with the understanding that since he had a gun and training if average citizens who had neither were in risk he'd run to the sound of shots to protect him.

While we can forgive him for putting on the vest, though that wasn't the best decision when children are being shot, but the hiding behind his car is inexcusable.

While the Sherif at the time of the shooting didn't fire or discipline Miller the new Sherif did. But because that occurred "too long" after the event Miller is getting his job back with backpay, he was making $137k a year.

That's right the police union invoked some hard to believe it exists law that says that you have to fire cowards quickly or they can keep getting paid while clearly not being willing to do their jobs.

Wonder how those cops can look themselves in the mirror.

He's getting his job back because he's a government employee and they're treated much better than we taxpayers are.  If you had screwed up so bad that children died there's no law saying you have to be fired within any given time period.

Just one more example of how government workers are treated much better than we are.

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