Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Targeting "defective" babies for death is a big business

A spokesman for the BGI Group--a large Chines genetics conglomerate-- said:

"You can see clearly, especially for Down’s syndrome, we have nearly two million samples all over the world. This part is, what we call, BGI’s cash cow, making money to support the growth of the whole group.”

How are those tests that tell if there's a chance--they're not 100% accurate and they do generate false positives--that an unborn child has Down's syndrome used?

The spokesman goes on to explain:

“…with the use of our technology, we could avoid the birth of birth defect, like a Down’s syndrome birth, a Down’s syndrome child, we can screen them out, we can avoid the birth of them.”

That's right she's saying that Hitler got it right. That "defective" people shouldn't be allowed to live.  Of course the spokesman probably doesn't think Jews should be killed but Hitler started out by killing "defectives" like those with handicaps or mental illness.

The simple reality is that less than 2% of abortions are due to the hard cases:
  • 0.3% are due to a risk to the woman's health
  • 0.14% are due to rape
  • 0.01% are due to incest
  • 1.4% are due to less serious health issues
98%+ of abortions are due to people having consensual sex but not wanting to accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions and people who don't want a "defective" child.

Abortion is all about being selfish in the vast majority of cases.

Planned Parenthood kills about 300,000 unborn babies a year and makes a fortune doing so. It used to also make piles of cash by selling the babies organs to "scientists".

The BGI Group boasts of making a fortune by targeting for death "defective" people.

The reality is the most defective people in the world are those who make a living out of killing babies for convenience.

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