Thursday, May 21, 2020

Democrat run states are facing huge financial problems while Republican run states are doing fine

The Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott had a very interesting tweet

Nancy Pelosi put $1T in her big pork bill for states. Specifically to bail out economically failing states like CA, NY, and IL.

But not only are Republican run states much safer from a COVID19 perspective they're also not facing huge debts.


Because Democrats like Newsom and Cuomo spend their citizens tax dollars to buy votes.  Even as Newsom is asking for your tax dollars he's handing out checks to illegal aliens.

Essentially Newsom and Cuomo have bleed their citizens dry and now they want to steal your tax dollars to keep their citizens from facing the consequences of voting Democrat.

We need to ensure that Republicans win in November so we all don't get taxed to push off the inevitable collapse of California and New York.

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