Sunday, May 3, 2020

Twitter censors conservative Black woman Candace Owens.

Candace Owens has 2.2 million followers on Twitter.  But Twitter banned her because of this tweet.

She didn't advocate violence but she did advocate civil disobedience.

But Twitter allows a huge number of tweets advocating for illegal aliens to break our immigration laws so clearly that's not a universally applied criteria.

Given that it's actually an unresolved issue if Governors have the power to close down all businesses Twitters actions once again show that leftists won't tolerate Blacks who dare dissent from the leftists agenda.

Oddly Bill Maher's video where he points out that we can't avoid the China virus by staying inside, which implicitly says people should do what Owens was recommending, hasn't caused him to be banned.

Clearly Twitter has a censorship policy based on content; leftists can say anything but conservatives can't say anything.

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