Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Pelosi's $3T pork bill does little to help Americans but a lot to advance her radical agenda

Thanks to Ted Cruz here's a list of 5 radical things in Pelosi's bill--which was passed without debate.

  • It prevents illegal aliens from being deported and extends work authorizations for foreign workers. Given that 36 million Americans are out of work keeping foreigners around to take jobs doesn't make a lot of sense from the perspective of what's good for Americans
  • Bailing out Democrat run states that were spending like drunken sailors long before the China virus hit
  • Using your taxes to bail out Planned Parenthood and to pay for elective abortions
  • Removing voter ID requirement and mandating mail in voting which makes voter fraud much easier
  • Extending the big unemployment payment bump through 2021 which will tend to keep people from working even when the country is reopened

Cruz points out what's not in the bill too:

  • Nothing to protect American jobs
  • Nothing to help get America back to work
  • Nothing about addressing #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied

Pelosi is using your suffering to try and remake America into a socialist tyranny and enable Democrats to commit massive voter fraud.

On top of that your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will have to pay off this huge pile of pork that Pelosi just passed.

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