Saturday, May 30, 2020

Why mail in voting is a massive opportunity for voter fraud

The voting rolls for states are full of hundreds of thousands of people who are no longer alive or who no longer live in the state.

There are at least 2.5 million extra registrants on voting rolls across the country; more than enough to win an election for dishonest politicians like Joe Biden.

In 2020 there are 378 counties in the US that have more people registered to vote than there are adults at or above the voting age who reside in those counties.  That means that we know for a fact that there are people who shouldn't be allowed to vote who will be getting vote by mail ballots if Democrats have their way.

Under the Democrats dream plan ballots will be mailed to everyone of those people. The ballots will show up and if the current resident is dishonest they will be able to mail in multiple ballots.

One person said that they've already received 4 different letters which would allow them to claim 4 ballots under the names of people who used to live at the person's current address.

I grew up in Chicago and I know that Democrats cheat at the ballot box.  JFK was elected due to such cheating.  At the time all of Illinois was staunchly Republican except for Chicago.  As the night went on those districts reported their votes and Nixon was leading.  After the vast majority of non-Chicago districts reported all of a sudden Chicago districts reported and they produced just enough votes to win the state for JFK.

Everyone in Chicago knew about Mayor Daley's corrupt political machine.  And everyone, including the media, talked about it.

But what's interesting as the #FakeNews media became more politically active we started to hear less and less about Democrat political machines and voter fraud.

The fraud didn't end it just wasn't something that bothered "reporters" whose main objective in life was getting Democrats elected cared about.

When Democrats talk about voter suppression they're talking about suppressing voter fraud.

Oh and when Democrats say that laws requiring ID are racist they're the ones who are being racist. They're saying that Blacks are too stupid to get ID unlike white people. Of course non-racists know that Blacks are every bit as smart as whites and that Blacks themselves view it as an insult to say that they can't manage to get an ID.

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