Friday, May 22, 2020

#FakeNews media racism: European vs China virus edition

Gov. Cuomo of New York, the guy whose regime ordered nursing homes to take patients who had the China virus, has taken to calling the China virus the European virus.

Here's the relevant outtakes from just one recent Cuomo briefing:

“… the virus that had attacked us from Europe … the virus came from Europe … the virus was coming from Europe … New York is where the European flights were coming in … Virus came from Europe … we had this European virus attack us … we had people coming from Europe bringing the virus.”
Now I'm so old that I remember the #FakeNews media saying it was racist for we the people to refer to a virus that started in Wuhan China as the China virus or the Wuhan virus.

Yet here Cuomo is labeling COVID19 the "European virus" even though it originated in China.

Even worse we know that the Chinese Communist government:

  • Lied about the virus spreading between people
  • Allowed people to fly from Wuhan to the rest of the world but not to the rest of China
  • Secretly scoured the world for PPE while telling the world there was no problem
  • Pressured WHO to oppose travel limitations on China
  • Allowed millions of people to leave Wuhan after having been exposed to the virus
  • Forced doctors who identified the virus to plead guilty of crimes and destroy the virus data

Clearly the China virus is now a pandemic threat because of the deliberate actions of the Chinese government.

Yet the media declares that Trump telling a reporter, who happened to have been born in China, that she should ask the Chinese about the mess they've created is racist.

By those rules Cuomo smearing all of Europe should be condemned by the media.  By the #FakeMedia's own rules Cuomo should be branded as a racist.

Instead they commend him.


Because it's part of their jihad to destroy Trump.  They know that pointing out China's culpability is not racist but they want to stop China being blamed.


Because Joe Biden's son got $1,500,000,000 of Chinese government money to manage after he flew over to China with Joe. Since then Joe's been very defensive of China.  He declared that Trump putting travel limitations on China, which we now know significantly slowed the spread of the China virus in the US, were "xenophobic".

To this day he's defending China and attacking any who want to blame the Chinese Communist government for their actions.

Hence if voters realize that Biden is supporting the government that is causing them to lose their jobs they will be less likely to vote for him.

And that's something the #FakeNews media won't allow.

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