Friday, May 29, 2020

Why mailing everyone a ballot is a recipe for voter fraud

In June 2019 California began the process of removing around 5,000,000 names from voter rolls due to inactivity.

The state as a whole had a registration rate of 101%, that is it had 1% more registered voters than it had citizens old enough to vote.

What happens is people move and die and the voter rolls are not updated. Prior to this new move Los Angeles County hadn't cleaned up its voter rolls for 20 years.

This isn't a uniquely Californian problem.  The simple reality is across the country there are 378 counties with more registered voters than adults who are eligible to vote.

This is why the Democrat plan to send a ballot to everyone on the voter registration rolls is pretty much guaranteed to result in massive voter fraud.

In 2016 around 14 million Californians voted for someone for president. Assuming none of those were fraudulent that means that the 5M ballots that would have been sent to people who didn't exist would be roughly 36% of the votes which is more than the margin that Hillary won CA by in 2016.

The point is that sending ballots to everyone on the rolls means sending ballots to millions of people who don't exist.  To believe that dishonest people won't cast a significant fraction of those ballots is wishful thinking at best.

What's interesting is that the same Democrats who say that Russia spending a few hundred thousand dollars on ad buys in the 2016 election where Hillary spent around $1 billion was intolerable are now saying that putting millions of ballots out there to be stolen is no problem.

No one is saying that we should suspend mail in voting. The issue is should we sent ballots to people who haven't asked for them and many of whom don't actually exist?

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