Saturday, May 23, 2020

The real enemy of the free press; the #FakeNews media

CBS's Catherine Herridge has actually reported, not lied or opined, about the breaking story that General Flynn was railroaded by dishonest Obama officials.

It's now clear based on newly revealed information, information that Flynn's prosecutor hid from both Flynn and the court, that not only was there no legal basis for the FBI to question Flynn but that Flynn did not in fact lie; he simply didn't remember a detail.

Flynn's alleged crime was that he'd lied to the FBI about whether or not he'd discussed sanctions with the Russian Ambassador.  Note there was nothing illegal about Trump's transition team talking to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions, or about anything else for that matter.

If anyone doubts that remind them that John Kerry admitted to meeting with Iranian officials when he wasn't in government or part of any transition team.  You'll find that the people who say that Flynn talking to the Russians, asking them to not retaliate for Obama's sanctions, is a crime will say that Kerry working against the foreign policy of the Trump administration by coaching the Iranians is not a crime.  Which of course show's they're defining "crime" as anything that anyone they don't like politically does.

The first thing to note is that the report filed by the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn said that they didn't think he was lying.

The next thing to note is that the FBI has admitted that they didn't warn Flynn of his Miranda rights for the explicit purpose of not revealing to him that the interrogation wasn't just a friendly meeting.  Do that to a drug dealer, child rapist, or serial killer and the same people who are saying that Flynn should go to jail would be howling that the case had to be dropped.

Finally it's only illegal to lie to the FBI about things that are materially related to an on-going investigation.  Well we know now that there was no such investigation and that since Flynn talking to the Russian Ambassador as part of the activities of the Trump transition team was 100% legal whether or not Flynn did so couldn't be material to any investigation.

Other documents reveal that the FBI was deliberately trying to get Flynn to lie about a non-crime in order to squeeze him for evidence against Trump and to ensure that he couldn't help Trump see through the on-going conspiracy by the FBI/DOJ/Intelligence Community to frame Trump for collusion with Russia.

Clearly this is a big story.  Herridge saw that and reported on the fact that Joe Biden had "unmasked" Flynn, ie used the entire US intelligence community to spy on a political opponent.

The response from the Biden's camp was expected.  They said she was a "partisan, right-wing hack".

Various CBS "journalists" anonymously voiced their disgust with her for daring to reveal a truth that might hurt Biden.

Now when the "press" declares that reporting truths that hurt left wing politicians is evil it causes Americans to not trust them.

Trump points out media lies and the #FakeNews media says that that is a threat to the free press. They don't actually show that what he's saying is wrong they just declare that he shouldn't say it.

The real threat to the free press is a press which is devoted to the political success of the Democrat party not providing the people with the facts so that we can decide who to vote for.

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