Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Joe Biden: The real one vs the one running for President

Joe Biden is an old man espousing radical policies who is also suffering from cognitive deficiencies.

But here's how the #FakeNews media is portraying him:

But here's the real Joe Biden in action talking about kids stroking his hairy legs and how he learned about roaches:

And then of course there are the charges of sexual harassment, and one of sexual assault, that have been levied against Biden.

Clearly Joe isn't the buff sexy coherent dude that the #FakeNews media is making him out to be.

And actually Joe never has been. Here's what he said about Obama in 2007:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

While the #FakeNews media won't be mentioning this Biden's 1988 presidential campaign was torpedoed when it was revealed that he plagiarized in law school and on the campaign trail. One of his speeches was lifted from one given by Neil Kinnock, a Brit.  Amazingly part of the plagiarized text said that he, Biden, was the first in a 1000 generations to go to college.  When in fact he later admitted that he did have relatives who went to college.

And then who can forget, though the #FakeNews media is surely trying to get you to forget, Biden claiming to have graduated in the top half of his class from law school and having received three degrees.

Mother Jones debunked those claims last year citing a New York Times article from 1987. It turns out that Biden graduated 76th out of 85 and that he received 1 degree.

We're not seeing much reporting about that now though as far as I can tell.

Clearly Biden is a dishonest man pushing radical policies who sounds far more racist than Trump, though I doubt Biden is actually a racist, not some wonderfully buff articulate moderate.

That's the most important thing; Joe isn't a moderate. Here's a short list of just some of the radical things Joe supports:
  • Joe says he's Catholic but he supports abortion for any reason at any time during pregnancy and he wants your tax dollars to pay for elective, ie not medically necessary, abortions. That's like someone saying they're Jewish and supporting the Holocaust
  • Joe says that your tax dollars should pay for plastic surgery for people who are confused about their sex
  • Joe says that we should all just ignore the credible accusations of sexual harassment and assault against him while simultaneously saying that if elected he'll ensure that college students accused of the same crimes won't be allowed to defend themselves
  • Joe supports the Green New Deal which says that people who could work but who don't want to should be supported by your tax dollars
  • Joe supports the Green New Deal which either involves banning beef or making it so expensive that only white leftists will be able to afford it
  • Joe supports the Green New Deal which wants to replace airplanes with trains, at least for us commoners
  • Joe wants to destroy the coal industry
  • Joe wants to put a massive regressive tax on the poor by drastically increasing the price of energy so rich white leftists at Berkley and in Hollywood can feel good about themselves
  • Joe said that limiting travel to China at the beginning of the China virus pandemic was "xenophobic"
  • Joe wants to raise your taxes

Joe at one point was only moderately radical but in order to get the support of the 20% of the Democrat base that is openly fascist he's moved far to the left.

The decent folks who get their news from the lying #FakeNews media will be voting for a Joe Biden who doesn't exist.

So it's up to you to make sure that people know the truth.

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