Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Leftists working hard to make racism ok again

The Democrat party has always been the home of racism in America.  From fighting the Civil War to keep slavery legal to doing nothing as thousands of Blacks are shot in Democrat run cities today Democrat actions have always worked against Blacks.

In that spirit today the #FakeNews media and the Democrats are using the accusation of racism so loosely that it is loosing its impact.

Back in the day when someone called a Democrat, like George Wallace, a racist it had impact. It said that Wallace didn't believe in the equality of Blacks; that he thought, against what science and common sense tells us, that Blacks were somehow inferior to whites.

But today we see #FakeNews "reporters" and Democrats calling anyone who disagrees with them, especially if the person disagrees with a Black Democrat, of racism.

We saw that during the Obama years; pretty much any reason based critique of his policies was decried as racist by someone on the left.

The latest example of this repurposing of the "racist" label occurred in a Trump press conference yesterday.

A CBS reporter who happens to be Asian American had the following exchange with Trump:

"Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives?" Jiang, who was born in China and raised in West Virginia after immigrating to the U.S., wondered.

"Well, they're losing their lives everywhere in the world. And maybe that's a question you should ask China. Don't ask me. Ask China that question, OK? When you ask them that question, you may get a very unusual answer," Trump responded. 

Nothing particularly strange there. We know that China's lies was a major contributing factor to the pandemic and we know that the #FakeNews media is trying to blame Trump not China.

The reporter responded by implying that Trump's comment was racially motivated because she was born in China and raised in America; essentially claiming that his response was specific to her because of his racist attitudes towards Asians.

Trump responded to that saying the obvious:

"I'm telling you -- I'm not saying that specifically to anybody, I'm saying it to anybody who would ask a nasty question like that,"

But CNN's Brian Stelter said that Trump was being racist:

"I think what we saw in that exchange with Weijia Jiang is something that has racial overtones. It is racist to look at an Asian-American White House correspondent and say, 'Ask China.' This isn't happening in a vacuum. This is part of a pattern of behavior from the president that goes back many years,"

Clearly nothing Trump said in any way shape or form was racist and no honest person would think that if the reporter had been Black or white that Trump would have said anything different. 

Essentially Stelter simply assumes that Trump is racist and then used that assumption to prove that Trump's racist.

The idea that pointing talking about the fact that the China virus originated in China and that China is lying about the death toll there to a Chinese America reporter is racist is absurd.

As a result of incidents like this we the people are becoming desensitized to the charge of racism. If everyone is racist, if any comment can be declared to be "racist" then nothing is racist.

For Democrats this is a win win scenario.  They fire up their base who believe that only people who disagree with them on unrelated issues like abortion can be racist and they provide cover for when Republican's point out the racist policies of Democrats like:
  • Thousands of Blacks being shot each year in Democrat run cities and Democrats doing nothing to stop it
  • Democrats denying Blacks school choice and forcing them to go to failing public schools
  • Democrat's vicious attacks on Blacks like Candice Owens and Justice Thomas who don't toe the white leftists party line
  • Democrats wanting lots of immigration, legal and illegal, that drives down Black wages
  • Democrats caring about every racial disparity except for the fact that Black women are 3 times more likely to abort than white women
  • Democrats not caring that abortion is the leading cause of death of Blacks.
We need to take back the term "racist" so that it can be used against the real racists in society.

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