Monday, March 2, 2020

Buttigeig drops out: The DNC sacrifices a pawn

Why in the world would Buttigieg drop out of the Democrat race for President while Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar stay in?

Buttigieg has done better than them so far and he even won Iowa.

The answer is probably simple; the DNC made him an offer.

The DNC is going to do anything to make sure Biden gets the nomination because they know that Biden is the only one who can possibly beat Trump.

There was no way in the universe large numbers of Blacks would vote for Buttigieg given his flaunting his homosexuality in their faces.  Without nearly 100% of the Black vote no Democrat will win.

Bernie would be a disaster. The man talked about how women fantasize about being raped, how Castro and Stalin were great folk, and how he was going to take away the health care plans of union workers.

While Joe Biden is very radical the #FakeNews media has spent decades lying about him so that many Americans think that he's a moderate.

Warren  and Klobuchar aren't taking votes away from Biden and the DNC needs them in the race to keep people from realizing that the Democrat party is a party of rich old white men.  Hence they're not being given offers yet.

All that matters to the Democrat politicians is getting power over us. They'd be happy if Bernie won because they support the radical remaking of America that Bernie supports. But they'd rather have Biden run since he can win and he'll probably end up, if elected, being as radical as Bernie.

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