Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Socialism led to the corona virus pandemic

When the corona virus appeared in China the brutal socialist dictatorship lied about it and stopped doctors from telling the truth.

In order to avoid looking bad the Chinese communist government pretended there wasn't a problem and thereby allowed the virus to get a foothold from which it exploded and infected the world.

Meanwhile in the US Trump has worked hard to protect us from January while being mocked at the time by the left.

China did what it did because it's a socialist country where the people answer to the government and Trump did what he did because America is a country where the government answers to the people.

Freedom is always better than tyranny because politicians are always afraid of the people hating them while tyrants have brutal ways to retain their power no matter what the people think of them.

It will be interesting to see if the #FakeNews media talks about that or if it continues to try and make Trump responsible for the actions of the Chinese government.

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