Tuesday, March 31, 2020

In the midst of COVID19 the DOJ defends women

The left generally rejects science. They deny that human life begins at conception and they deny that DNA defines a person's sex.

If that were simply an ideological belief then it would be madness but not something the DOJ should care about.

However since the left wants biological men to compete with women in sports the left's rejection of science results in very real discrimination against women in sports; the very thing that Title IX was designed to prevent.

Allowing men who claim to be women to compete against real women is effectively calling for the dismantling of Title IX and the end to women's athletic chances--and athletic scholarships.

But that's what the left, and Democrat politicians, in America are standing up for today.

They declare that "studies" have shown that men on hormone therapy are no stronger of faster than women.  But of course those studies are wrong.  We know that if hormone therapy isn't started before puberty biological men will develop larger hearts, stronger muscles etc.  It's evolution for Heaven's sake; men evolved to kill prey while women evolved to produce babies. Both roles are essential and both are equally valuable.  But to pretend men and women's physiologies are the same is to reject science.

There is obvious proof for this. When a man starts competing with women he suddenly becomes way more successful. Runners who were in the top 300 of men in an area are suddenly number one and setting records when they compete with women.  Biological men who were also rans in sports when competing with women are routinely breaking records when they pretend to be women.

Fortunately the DOJ has said no to this nonsense. Attorney General Barr said:

In our pluralistic society we generally try to accommodate how individuals desire to live their lives up to the point where those desires impinge on the other people’s rights. Allowing biological males to compete in all-female sports deprives women of the opportunity to participate fully and fairly in sports and is fundamentally unfair to female athletes.

Sports are an important part of education and character development and provide an arena where individual discipline can result in achievement and recognition. The purpose of all-female athletics is to ensure that women have an equal opportunity to participate, compete and excel in this important part of life. Title IX has been a major step forward in the long fight to achieve this equality.

As reflected in Title IX, the basis for single-sex athletics, is rooted in the reality of biological differences between the sexes. Clearly then, eligibility to participate on a single-sex team must be based on objective biological fact. Girls should not be forced, through the dismantling of Title IX, to be sidelined in their own sports.

That the DOJ has to say something so obvious shows how literally insane the left and Democrat politicians in America are today.

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