Thursday, March 19, 2020

While Americans are facing the threat of Corona virus Bernie Sanders is worrying about Iran

Just as Bernie was bothered by the killing of Iranian terrorist mastermind Soleimani he's now worried that the Iranian people are suffering.  Bernie doesn't seem to concerned about the Americans that Soleimani killed or the Americans that the Iranians will resume killing once the coronavirus passes.

Bernie, like most leftists, blames America for everything and apparently can't comprehend that Trump is eager to eliminate the sanctions on Iran once Iran stops it's imperialistic terrorist campaign against everyone who doesn't practice their particular brand of Islam.

Bernie is apparently unaware that the Iraq's, Saudi's and most of the rest of the Middle East hate the current Iranian regime because that regime targets anyone who isn't the right type of Muslim.

It's not just Christians and Americans that the Iranians hate and target it's anyone who stands in the way of their desire to control the Middle East.

What a patriot would be saying is that this would be a great time for Iran to disband its terrorist force, stop supporting conflicts throughout the Middle East and renounce any effort to acquire nuclear weapons so that the Iranian people could be freed from the suffering their rulers impose on them.

But that's not Bernie's go to. No like most leftists he sees the mad mullah's who run Iran as friends.  It's not their terrorist policies that are hurting Iranians it's the fact that America is taking a stand against the largest sponsor of international terrorism that's the problem.

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