Wednesday, August 7, 2019

More proof that the left hates Blacks: Baltimore cleanup edition

More than 170 people from around the country went to Baltimore and spent a day cleaning up the trash in Democrat Elijah Cummings district. They removed roughly 12 tons of refuse including papers dating from 2008.

The primary beneficiaries of this clean up were Black.  After all it's a common theme that Black neighborhoods in Democrat run cities have all the problems not because of the citizens but because the Democrats don't care about Blacks just so long as they keep voting Democrat.

The response of the Baltimore Sun's editorial board was to condemn those volunteers. What the people really need, according to those elitists, is more government.

Those editors are more concerned about the fact that the gross negligence of Democrat Elijah Cummings and the Democrats that run Baltimore was exposed than they were that for once at least some of the trash in Baltimore was cleaned up.

Bizarrely the editors said that one of the reasons the trash wasn't cleaned up was that drug dealers hide their drugs in trash piles so removing trash could be dangerous. Which is amazing since it highlights the fact that the Democrats who run Baltimore have ceded control of the streets in Black neighborhoods to drug dealers.

The editors were willing to make that admission in order to try and protect the Democrats by attempting to shift the blame for uncollected trash in Baltimore from the Democrat government which is responsible for trash pickup to the citizens, Blacks in this case, of Baltimore.

Whether the trash is on public or private property it's the responsibility of the city government to ensure it's cleaned up. If the trash is on private property then the city issues tickets and levies fines until it's removed. If the trash is on public property the city is supposed to clean it up; that's what taxes are for.

So the existence of the trash isn't the fault of the Black residents, contrary to the claims of the editors, but the fault of the government not doing its job.

But of course the one thing that leftists like the Baltimore Sun's editorial board need is darkness. They need the truth about the on-going failure of the Democrats to provide the citizens of Baltimore with a decent city to be hidden.

That's why instead of thanking the volunteers and asking the Democrats who run the city why they're not meeting the needs of their people the editors attacked the motives of those volunteers.

All that matters to Democrats is power over we the people. They don't care that rats are overrunning Democrat run cities like Los Angeles and Baltimore, they don't care that thousands of Blacks are shot in Chicago each year, they don't care that inner city kids can't get a decent education; all that matters to Democrats is that they can tell us what types of shopping bags we can use and get us to pay for abortions.

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