Thursday, August 15, 2019

Democrats teaming with China to wreck US economy and throw you out of work

The Chinese don't want to lose the huge economic advantage that Democrats want to give them so they're working with the #FakeNews media and the Democrats to tank the US economy and wreck your life.

We've seen hard core Democrats like Maher proclaim they want a recession because it will keep Trump from being reelected. Of course rich people like him won't suffer in a recession but he, and other Democrats, are perfectly willing for you to suffer to advance their political agenda.  Remember to Democrats it's not about improving the lot of we the people; it's about increasing the power of Democrats.

China wants our economy to tank because if a Democrat gets elected they'll let China get away with stealing American jobs and imposing tariffs on American products that are 4 times higher than the tariffs America imposes on Chinese products.

This is just like what the Democrats did during the Bush administration. They constantly talk about how recession is inevitable and is coming now in order to scare people into acting as though there was a recession which in turn causes a recession.

Remember that if you're a hard working freedom loving American Democrats hate you and want to force you to finance their voters.

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