Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Democrats hate democracy: dishonest Federal judges edition

Democrats have failed in passing any of their agenda, with the exception of Obamacare, through the democratic process.  Instead they've counted on dishonest Supreme Court judges to impose the left wing agenda on America.  From abortion to gay marriage to going easy on criminals every bit of the Democrats social agenda has been created by dishonest judges who feel their job is to make law not interpret it.

With the election of Trump the Democrats use of dishonest judges to subvert democracy has entered a new phase.

The whole purpose of elections is to allow the people to say that they don't like the policies of the current president so they're going to elect a new president to change paths.

Trump was elected because people were tired of what Obama had been doing for example and didn't want to see him have a virtual third term which is what would have happened had Hillary been elected.

However Democrats are unwilling to go with the democratic process which is why dishonest judges are blocking pretty much everything that Trump tries to do.  There are several thousand Federal judges and Democrats need to find just one who will impose a nation wide injunction on something Trump wants to do in order to stall Trump for a year or more.

With the #FakeNews media providing cover judges are willing to make insane rulings safe in the knowledge that they will never be punished.

We've seen judges say that if Hillary had written the executive order that Trump had written it would be legal but because Trump wrote it it isn't.  Effectively dishonest Democrat judges are illegally making Trump into a second tier president whose actions have to be not only Constitutional but whose thoughts must be acceptable.

We've seen judges say that Trump can't overturn Obama's executive order.  That makes Obama a super president whose rulings can't be undone.  But that is a direct repudiation of the democrat process.

If we the people elect someone to change paths and the courts say that our candidate can't undo what his predecessor did that means that elections don't have consequences and that we the people don't have any authority.

It's like the old Communist adage; what is ours is ours and what is yours is negotiable.

Not only is it time to reign in the courts, which Trump is doing a good job of by appointing judges who believe in the rule of law, but to speak out so that the cloud of Americans who get their news from the #FakeNews media learn the truth.

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