Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Democrat selfishness: Richard Gere edition

Richard Gere, who is worth around $120 million, went to Italy and lectured Italians on how they should take in a bunch of illegal immigrants.

The Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Slavini, had a great response:

“Given this generous millionaire is voicing concern for the fate of the Open Arms migrants, we thank him,” the Italian politician responded sarcastically. “He can take all the people aboard back to Hollywood, on his private plane, and support them in his villas. Thank you, Richard!”

This is typical of Democrats; they want to use your tax payments, which they also are always trying to increase by the way, to fund their charities.

It's important to remember that Democrats want to be philanthropic with other people's money.

While leftists are willing to give fortunes to political candidates they tend to give little of their money to actually help those in need.  Essentially Democrats think that by making you pay more taxes which they then route to those who will vote Democrat, making sure that Democrat government workers get their cut, is charity on their part.

You do the work, you suffer, you pay the taxes, the Democrats feel good about themselves.

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