Thursday, August 8, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez reveals the Democrats censorship plan

With the failure of the whole Russia collusion story, debunked by the left's own shining star Mueller, Democrats have pivoted to a new Big Lie; everyone who disagrees with them is a racist white nationalist.

Trump is labeled a racists and white nationalist because he wants to enforce the immigration laws passed by Democrats so clearly all it takes for the left to declare that someone is a white nationalist is for that person to disagree with Democrats on any issue.

On the surface this Democrat tactic will just hurt them with the voters. Few people are going to think that suddenly all Republicans, including Black Republicans, have suddenly become akin to Nazis.

But what Ocasio-Cortez has revealed is the next step in the game.  She's called on the media to stop allowing white nationalists, ie anyone who disagrees with her, on TV and radio shows.

This is the same ploy being used by Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc to censor conservative content during the run up to the 2020 election.  Anyone who doesn't religiously adhere to the Democrat party line is declared to be a Nazi, racist, and white nationalist who must be ejected from polite society.

Meanwhile Islamic terrorists, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and #MassacreMitch are allowed to spread their real hate and their real calls for violence unimpeded.

What Ocasio-Cortez has revealed is that the Democrats are setting in place a cover story that will allow the entire #FakeNews media to censor all conservative voices in the year before the 2020 elections.

We need to attack this massive attempted coup by the Democrats and the #FakeNews media immediately. Trump and the Republicans in Congress need to take action to prevent censorship by Twitter et al.  Contrary to what some beltway "Republicans" think that doesn't require the government to censor anything it only requires the government to declare that Twitter et al can't censor content other than criminal content since Twitter et al are effectively monopolies.

Just revoking the unfair protection against libel and slander that Twitter et al enjoy because they pretend to be content neutral platforms would be a huge step forward.

If we do nothing America will become like North Korea, the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany where the only news people will get is what one party wants them to get.

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