Saturday, August 17, 2019

Democrats go all 1984 on the language: Fredo edition

Chris Cuomo CNN star demonstrated why being a leftist should qualify for a red flag law intervention when some random person called him Fredo--the young stupid brother in the Godfather movie saga.  Instead of just politely telling the person that he doesn't like being called that he threatened to throw the man down a flight of nearby stairs.

He tried to justify his actions by saying that Fredo was a racial slur, a charge that other Italians laughed at.  After all if honkey isn't a racial slur clearly Fredo isn't one either.  Of course Fredo, the movie character, isn't mocked because he was Italian but because he was stupid and incompetent and wouldn't admit it.  Hence Fredo as an insult has absolutely no racial connotations.

This is just one more example of Democrats redefining language to advance their agenda.

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